Granny Please! Please !! - Osomatsu san Gay Anal
(家宝は寝て松 春眠 2017) [にまにま本舗 (トキワ)] プリーズ!プリーズ!! (おそ松さん)
#415660 - Laura told me that she wanted to go and see the new car john had bought the week before so I said it would have to wait until tomorrow. I told her I loved her and to text me when she got home but an hour later I got a drunken text message from her that sent my mind racing! Hey sis can u pz rggn rich an sy am hme in bd c u tmz! Oh my god, I couldnt believe what I was reading: Laura was spending the night with John, not only drunk and stoned but she wanted her sister to lie to me about it! I immediatley pictured them drunk and stoned at his place alone; it didn't take much imagination to see them flirting and kissing eachother and I knew in my gut that before long it would be laura's knickers that were hitting the floor just like sarahs had all those years ago! I knew I should go around and do something but the image of laura cheating on me with him made my cock hard as fuck and horny as hell! I tried to ring her again but both her phone and johns were turned off. We were